Michael Nadtochi & Elvira Lambo, 23. & 24. November


pro Person:

  Normalpreis Frühbucherbonus
1 Kurs / 2,5h EUR 65,00 EUR 58,00
2 Kurse / 5h EUR 120,00 EUR 110,00


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Helga Tomaselli


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Jugendheim Saggen, Falkstrasse 26, Innsbruck

Unterrichtssprache Englisch

MILONGA mit Show mit
Michael  'El Gato' Nadtochi & Elvira Lambo
am SAMSTAG, 23. November in der Falkstrasse 26!
DJ des Abends: Sebastian

Michael & Elvira

At present, Michael 'El Gato' Nadtochi and Elvira Lambo stand out as one of the most sought-after dance couples globally. Since the commencement of their partnership in 2021, they have traversed and shared their expertise in various countries, including Spain, France, Italy, the Czech Republic, Montenegro, Serbia, Germany, Turkey, Romania, Moldova, as well as India, New Zealand, Qatar, and the U.A.E.

Michael Nadtochi

boasts a professional dance career spanning over thirty years, commencing at the age of ten in the competitive Ballroom dance discipline. By eighteen, he secured the title of National Youth Champion of Russia. In 1998, he relocated to the United States to further his dancing career.

 Over the past two decades, Michael has dedicated himself exclusively to performing and teaching the art of Argentine tango. Within the USA, he established the Argentine Tango Academy and initiated his online educational project - The Tango Method.

 Having conducted lessons and performances at tango festivals and events across more than 30 countries, Michael's illustrious list of mentors includes Carlos Gavito, Osvaldo Zotto, Julio Balmaceda, and others who played pivotal roles in guiding him on his journey to mastering tango.

As a creative individual, Michael firmly believes that the overarching goal transcends mere mastery of dance; it involves the profound process of self-discovery. Lessons and workshops serve as tools to acquire the requisite technique enabling individuals to express their distinctive personalities through the language of dance.

Elvira Lambo

Elvira's entire life is intricately intertwined with dance and music. As a seasoned professional dancer, teacher, and choreographer, she boasts over 30 years of dance experience and 20 years of teaching expertise. Her repertoire spans classical ballet, folk dance, modern and jazz dance, as well as classical Indian dance. Her introduction to Tango occurred through contact improvisation in 2009.

Having graced numerous European cities with performances and master classes, Elvira achieved the title of Russia's champion in the 'Milonguero category' at the official Argentine Tango Championship in 2019.

 Key maestros influencing her personal Tango style include Alejandra Mantignan, Julio Balmaceda, Vanessa Vishalba, Facundo Pinheiro, and others.

Persistently drawing inspiration from music, vintage Tango heritage videos, live performances, interactions with fellow dancers, teaching and practicing, performing, and engaging in social dancing at milongas, Elvira is continuously forging her unique path of expression.